International Practical School on Advanced Isotopic Labelling Methods for NMR

From 26th to 30th January 2015, IBS - Grenoble

This School will provide both practical and theoretical training in state-of-the-art isotopic-labelling approaches for NMR studies. The participants will gain hands-on experience in a broad range of labelling methods, including innovative protocols for specific labelling, segmental labelling and in vitro expression of RNA and proteins. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own protein and/or RNA constructs for use in practical demonstrations. The School will provide an environment in which attendants will be able to exchange practical experience on protein labelling with instructors and other participants. This lab-based training course will be held at the IBS in Grenoble, France.

The practical school will be followed by an international workshop on “Advanced Isotopic Labelling Methods for Integrated Structural Biology” organized at IBS from 2nd to 5th February 2015. Trainees enrolled in the practical school will also participate in the AILM2015 workshop, allowing them to attend lectures covering the latest developments and applications of isotopic labelling presented by the leaders in the field.

Information & registration to the School

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