Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

  • Symposium in the honor of Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps’ career - July 22, 2022 - IBS

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    2022 will be marked by the retirement of Juan C. Fontecilla-Camps, who dedicated over thirty years to the understanding of the structure-function relationships of metalloproteins. Given the venue of the 16th EUROBIC meeting in Grenoble in July 2022, the Metalloproteins group is organizing a satellite symposium in the honor of Juan’s career, in order to review the contribution of structural biology to our understanding of the mechanism of several key metalloproteins. To know more and (…)
  • EMBO Practical Course ’Small angle neutron and x-ray scattering from biomacromolecules in solution’ - 20 – 24 June 2022 - EPN Campus, Grenoble, France

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    Profitant de la localisation de l’European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) et de l’Institut Laue Langevin (ILL) sur le même campus scientifique à Grenoble, ce cours pratique EMBO se concentre sur l’utilisation complémentaire de la diffusion des rayons X et des neutrons aux petits angles pour la détermination des structures des macromolécules biologiques. Une attention particulière sera accordée à la préparation des échantillons ainsi qu’à l’analyse et à l’interprétation des données (…)
  • 9th School of Integrative Structural Biology – June 17 to 24, 2022 - Oléron

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This school, organized by RéNaFoBIS (Réseau National de Formation en Biologie Structurale Intégrative), aims at providing training for graduate students in the field of Integrative Structural biology. Lectures are given mainly in French, slides are in English, in order to make it easier for non-French speaking participants to follow. During practical sessions (TP), English-speaking groups can be proposed if needed. D. Housset (IBS/IRAPS group) is co-organizer. IBS scientists give lectures (…)
  • Gordon Research Conference on "NOX Family NADPH Oxidases" - May 29 to June 3, 2022 - West Dover, VT, USA

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    NADPH oxidases (NOX) are a unique enzyme family involved in regulated oxidant production for host defense and redox-based signaling. This meeting brings together established scientists and early-stage researchers from diverse disciplines to discuss the latest developments with respect to the structural biology of NOX enzymes, their functional regulation, mechanisms of NOX signaling and relation to metabolism, and implications for disease pathology and clinical application. This GRC will be (…)
  • EMBO Practical Course: Characterization of macromolecular complexes by integrative structural biology - 28 May–4 June 2022 - EPN Campus

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This EMBO Practical Course aims to teach participants how to integrate structural biology approaches to expedite characterization of large macromolecular complexes from the atomic to cellular scale. Lectures and practical sessions will explain the techniques used to produce, purify, reconstitute and characterize multi-subunit protein and protein/nucleic acid complexes for structural analysis. Organizers are PSB researchers (Marco Marcia EMBL, Angelika Wladyslawa Thomasson EMBL, Carlo Petosa (…)
  • Instruct cryo-EM workshop, May 23-25, 2022

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This 2.5-day practical workshop on sample preparation for single particle cryo-EM is jointly organised by the ESRF, EMBL Grenoble, ILL and the IBS. It is the fourth of a series of practical hands-on workshops and is currently planned as an in-person workshop. This workshop is aimed at PhDs, PostDocs and scientists new to the field of single particle cryo-EM. During the course, participants will learn theoretical and practical aspects of sample preparation for single particle cryo-EM (…)
  • Winter school on fluorescent markers at the Ecole de Physique des Houches - April 10-15, 2022

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This biophysics school aims at training students, engineers and researchers about fluorescent labels used in advanced fluorescence microscopy. 16 internationally recognized scientists will teach state-of-the-art knowledge about fluorescent proteins and organic dyes. The school will take place in a friendly atmosphere in the beautiful site of les Houches, near Chamonix. Subscription deadline: 31st of October The organising committee: Dominique Bourgeois (Institut de Biologie Structurale, (…)
  • Hercules European School - 28 fabruary to 01 April 2022 - Grenoble

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This one month course, coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes, is designed to provide training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications). Neutron and X-ray science is integrated with complementary techniques like (but not only) optical and electron (…)
  • ESONN 2021 - August 23 to September 10, 2021 - Grenoble

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    From 2004, ESONN is a three-week course aimed at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from universities and laboratories, all around the world, in the field of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies. The academic and practical courses will cover aspects such as the elaboration, characterization and functionalities of nano-objects. Half of the formation is devoted to practicals, which are held in Grenoble clean room facilities at the Inter-university Centre (…)
  • PSB Symposium "Frontiers in Bioimaging" - 01 & 02 July 2021 - Virtual Symposium

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The aim and scope of this meeting is to highlight progress in 3D imaging research that bridges the gap between the atomic and cellular scales, with spatial resolutions spanning from subnanometer to submicrometer range. Featured topics will include: cryo-electron tomography, X-ray tomography, volume electron microscopy, image analysis, super-resolution microscopy, and correlative approaches. The applications of the above methods to address essential questions in life sciences is of particular (…)
  • 8th School of Integrative Structural Biology – June 18 to 25, 2021 - Oléron

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This school, organized by RéNaFoBIS (Réseau National de Formation en Biologie Structurale Intégrative), aims at providing training for graduate students in the field of Integrative Structural biology. Lectures are given mainly in French, slides are in English, in order to make it easier for non-French speaking participants to follow. During practical sessions (TP), English-speaking groups can be proposed if needed. D. Housset (IBS/IRAPS group) is co-organizer. IBS scientists will give (…)
  • IBS Scientific Days - June 17 & 18, 2021

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    In June 2020, due to the sanitory situation related to the Covid-19 pandemic we were unable to organize our traditional annual Scientific Day. This year, the 2021 organizing committee set up a mixed edition on June 17 and 18: in remote format on June 17 and 18 mornings, with poster sessions in the hall during afternoons (3 posters presented by their author per hour). The speakers had made a special effort to prepare original plenary or duo presentations and zooms. On this occasion, the IBS (…)
  • NMR and biological interactions Training - May 2021 - Online & Gif sur Yvette

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The aim of this training is to provide participants with the necessary tools for the NMR study of interactions of liquids involving proteins (protein-biomacromolecule and protein-ligand complexes). This training is opened to young researchers in biological NMR (doctoral students, post-docs, M2 students under certain conditions), but also to technicians, engineers, academic or industrial researchers who wish to improve their skills in the field. Given the health context, the training will be (…)
  • Les Houches - TSRC Workshop on Protein Dynamics - 18-19 May 2021 - Online Workshop

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The Les Houches-TSRC Workshop on Protein Dynamics is a biannual workshop usually held in Les Houches in the French Alps, close to Chamonix. It has established itself as a forum for presenting, teaching and discussing results from the application of state-of-the-art experimental (including, but not limited to, optical spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, XFELs, electron microscopy, AFM and scattering methods), and theoretical and computational approaches to studying protein (…)
  • Hercules course - 22 February to 26 March, 2021 - Online

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    This one month course, coordinated by the Université Grenoble Alpes, is designed to provide training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications). It includes lectures, practicals and tutorials, visits of Large Facilities and a poster session. The Hercules (…)
  • 2021 edition of the Tutorial in Macromolecular Crystallography - 08 to 12 March 2021 - EPN Campus

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The tutorial will take place during one week from 8 March to 12 March 2021. It will include 22 hours of classes (lectures and exercises) as well as three 2-hour sessions of practical training on graphical workstations and a 2 h practical in data collection on a synchrotron beamline. Teaching will be in English. The classes address more fundamental aspects of crystallography (pencil, paper, ruler and pocket calculator are required) as well as work with current software. The tutorial is aimed (…)
  • 2nd ResaFlu meeting - Nov 23-24, 2020 - Online

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The 2nd ResaFlu meeting will be held online on November 23 afternoon and November 24 afternoon Many thanks to the teams that submitted an abstract. We will hear: – 9 long talks : 12 min presentation, 8 min discussion – 8 flash talks : 5 min presentation, 1 or 2 questions if time permits To promote the participation of all ResaFlu members the presentations may be given in french or in english, at the choice of the speaker, however the slides willd be in english. We are also very pleased (…)
  • PSB Spotlight on Biophysics - 17 November 2020, 9:30-11:45 - Webinar

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    the Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) is pleased to announce its 8th PSB Spotlight meeting that will focus on " Biophysics: Sample Characterisation and Macromolecular Interactions" and will take place on Tuesday 17 November 2020 as a webinar. The meeting is opened to non-specialists and aims to illustrate how to use various biophysical techniques and methods to characterize macromolecules and their interactions. For further information, please check the attached programme. The (…)
  • 7th School of Integrative Structural Biology - October 09 to 16, 2020 - Oleron

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    Initially scheduled in june, this school, organized by RéNaFoBIS (Réseau National de Formation en Biologie Structurale Intégrative), aims at providing training for graduate students in the field of Integrative Structural biology. Lectures are given mainly in French, slides are in English, in order to make it easier for non-French speaking participants to follow. During practical sessions (TP), English-speaking groups can be proposed if needed. D. Housset (IBS/IRAPS group) is co-organizer. (…)
  • PSB Spotlight meeting on "Mass Spectrometry" - Tuesday 13 October 2020 - Webinar

    Previous meetings and workshops before mid-2022

    The Partnership for Structural Biology (PSB) is pleased to announce its 7th PSB Spotlight meeting that will focus on "Mass Spectrometry" and will take place on Tuesday 13 Octobre 2020 as a webinar. The meeting is opened to non-specialists and aims to illustrate the great variety of applications of mass spectrometry to study single proteins, complexes or even large particles such as viruses. For further information, please check the programme. Please contact a member of the organising (…)