17 - 19 november 2015, IBS
MXIS training course is dedicated to in situ protein crystallography. This 3-day workshop includes full lectures at the IBS and practical sessions at the ESRF, on beamlines FIP-BM30A and BM14. Full classes are done in day 1 while practical sessions are organized in rotating subgroups from day 2 to day 3 (topics: ligand coating, crystallogenesis, in situ diffraction for crystal screening and structure resolution, in situ data processing). Possibility was given to participants to practice on their own samples.
The workshop was limited to 12 participants, with no registration fee.
Pre-registrations were open at http://workshops.ibs.fr/MXIS-2015. If interested, fill out the form and send a short CV to Jean-Luc Ferrer or Gilles Labesse by September 30th.