MXIS training course is dedicated to in situ protein crystallography (ligand coating, crystallogenesis, in situ diffraction for crystal screening and structure resolution, in situ data processing). This 2-part workshop includes full lectures and practical sessions:
Part 1: 7 - 9 Nov., Montpellier. Lectures at the CBS. Pratical sessions at the CBS on "dry-coating" and crystallization assays.
Part 2: 30 Nov. - 2 Dec., Grenoble. Lectures at the IBS. Crystallization assays at the EMBL. Practicals on beamlines FIP-BM30A and ID30B at the ESRF.
Possibility is given to participants to practice on their own samples.
The workshop is limited to 8 participants, with no registration fee.If interested, fill out the form and send a short CV to Jean-Luc Ferrer or Gilles Labesse by September 30th.
This workshop is organized by the CBS (gilles.labesse (at), the IBS (jean-luc.ferrer (at), the EMBL-Grenoble and the ESRF (andrewmc (at); christoph.mueller_dieckmann (at); marquez (at)