2nd ResaFlu meeting - Nov 23-24, 2020 - Online

The 2nd ResaFlu meeting will be held online on November 23 afternoon and November 24 afternoon


Many thanks to the teams that submitted an abstract. We will hear:
 9 long talks : 12 min presentation, 8 min discussion
 8 flash talks : 5 min presentation, 1 or 2 questions if time permits
To promote the participation of all ResaFlu members the presentations may be given in french or in english, at the choice of the speaker, however the slides willd be in english.
We are also very pleased to host Charlotte Dunoyer (ANSES) for a keynote lecture about risk assessment for infectious emerging diseases.

Thibaut Crepin (IBS/VRM group) is co-organizer of this meeting and IBS scientists (Amélie Donchet and Alberto florez-Prada) will give lectures.
Please find here the links to access the two online sessions:

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