August 21rst - September 10th 2011, Grenoble
This 3 weeks course aims at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from European universities and laboratories in the field of NANOSCIENCES and NANOTECHNOLOGIES in Physics, Biology and Chemistry. It is co-organized by University Joseph Fourier, Grenoble INP, CNRS and CEA.
Scientists of the IBS are involved in practical courses for the biological session :
- Study of biomolecular interactions by surface plasmon resonance biosensor analysis (BIAcore technology) by Nicole Thielens (PDF)
- Cryo-Electron microscopy and image analysis of the adenovirus particle by Guy Schoehn (PDF)
- Recombinant protein production using automated liquid handling systems by Marjolaine Noirclerc-Savoye (PDF)
More information on ESONN web site.