14 November 2011 - 10:00 to 17:00 - ILL Chadwick Amphitheatre
The first day (14th of November) is devoted to presentations (see > program below), the second day (15th) to practicals on the lipidic phase robot. The first day will be open to all participants, and we will select the participants for the practicals.
Programme :
- 10h30-11h - Welcome and introduction (E.Pebay-Peyroula, IBS)
- 11h-11h45 - LCP crystallization : a 15 years perspective (E. Landau, OCI Univ. Zurich)
- 11h45-12h30 - Structure and mechanism of respiratory complex I (L. Sazanov, MRC Cambridge)
- 12h30-14h - Break (possible to have lunch at the ILL/ESRF canteen)
- 14h-14h45 - Thermostabilisation and structure determination of an agonist-bound conformation of the human adenosine A2A receptor (G. Lebon, Montpellier, previously MRC Cambridge)
- 14h45-15h30 - Lipidic cubic phase technologies for structural studies of membrane proteins (V. Cherezov, Scripps)
- 15h30-16h00 - Membrane proteins at IBS : the new crystallization platform (V. Gordeliy, IBS) Discussion with PhD students and post-docs
Organisers : Eva Pebay-Peyroula and Valentin Gordeliy (IBS)
Registration : Registration is mandatory (no fees, participants take in charge their housing and lunch)
Access Request : please contact Linda Ponnet with the following data : Date, City, Country of birth, Working Institution.