15/04/2024 : Signature of an exclusive collaboration and license option agreement for potent monoclonal antibodies targeting the BK virus, developed by the Institut de Biologie Structurale and the Institut de Virologie de Strasbourg

SpikImm, a clinical-stage biotechnology company dedicated to the development of monoclonal antibodies to prevent viral infections in immunocompromised patients, announced the signature with SATT Conectus of an exclusive collaboration and license option agreement for potent monoclonal antibodies targeting the BK virus.

These monoclonal antibodies were developed through the project HuMABK led by Pr. Pascal POIGNARD, Head of the "Antibodies and Infectious Diseases" research team at the Institut de Biologie Structurale of Grenoble and Pr. Samira FAFI-KREMER, Director of the Institut de Virologie de Strasbourg.

To know more, please consult the press release.