April 2nd to 4th, 2012, Paris
The aim of this conference is to gather junior and senior scientists to discuss about the latest developments on Membranes from physical, chemical and biological point of views.
Six different sessions are scheduled (with confirmed guest speakers) :
– "Biomimetic membranes" , Pr. Linda JOHNSTON (Ottawa, Canada)
– "Drug delivery", Pr. Patrick COUVREUR (Chatenay-Malabry, France)
– "Membrane-associated peptides and proteins", Pr. Chris TATE (Cambridge, UK)
– "Membrane trafficking", Pr. Ludger JOHANNES (Paris, France)
– " In silico membrane models", Pr. Mark SANSOM (Oxford, UK)
– "Molecules-membranes interactions", Pr. Michèle AUGER (Québec, Canada)
Registration and abstract submission are now opened. More information are available on the conference website : http://gem15.fr. You can also contact Franck Fieschi (IBS/ Membrane and Pathogens Group), member of the GEM scientific committee.
Deadline for abstract submission : february 20, 2012.