The International Year of Crystallography 2014 (IYCr2014) brings to light a science which allows the detailed study of crystalline material. From crystals to biological molecules, crystallography led to multiple applications.

The UN General Assembly proclaimed 2014 the International Year of Crystallography ! With 23 Nobel Prize awarded in the field , it is the most powerful instrument for studying the structure of matter. This science is ubiquitous in everyday life : pharmaceutical production, nanotechnology, biotechnology, development of all new materials… Cristallography underpins most technological developments in our modern society, ranging from toothpaste to aircraft components .
Many events are organized throughout France by different partners and especially in Grenoble by the committee "100 years of crystallography " in which IBS is involved. Co- organizer of the symposium " Bragg - Crystallography for life" in late 2013, the Institute organizes Open Days during the Science Fair in October 2014.
To know more :
– AICr2014 : International Year of crystallography website
– International Year of Crystallography brochure in PDF : Crystallography matters !
– Unesco : Why a year of crystallography ?