From 2004, ESONN is a three-week course aimed at providing training for graduate students, postdoctoral and junior scientists from universities and laboratories, all around the world, in the field of Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies. The academic and practical courses will cover aspects such as the elaboration, characterization and functionalities of nano-objects.
Half of the formation is devoted to practicals, which are held in Grenoble clean room facilities at the Inter-university Centre for MicroElectronics (CIME) and in research laboratories.
This year, an hybrid format is proposed :
- From 23 August to 2 September, 2021 : ONLINE lectures and seminars
- From 6 September to 10 September, 2021 : Practical work IN GRENOBLE, France
IBS scientists are involved in practical courses for the biological session :
* Proteins and nanoparticle assemblies and interactions by AUC and SEC/MALS - by Aline Le Roy & Caroline Mas, (IBS/M1P) (PDF)
* Cell imaging analysis of protein interactions and dynamics in living cells - by Françoise Lacroix, Joanna Timmins & Jean-Philippe Kleman (IBS/I2SR) (PDF)
* Cryo-Electron Microscopy : sample preparation and visualization using a Glacios and a Krios electron microscope both equipped with a direct electron detector - by Guy Schoehn (IBS/MEM) (PDF)
Information & registration on ESONN web site.