This meeting will be an opportunity to review the progress of cryoEM and its role in understanding the complexity of life. This scientific day will feature a series of lectures by international leaders in the field and younger researchers.
Oral and poster presentations, selected from abstracts, are planned. The abstract submission form is to be downloaded and returned completed, from the registration site. The deadline for abstract submission is 31 October 2018. All papers (oral and poster) will be in English.
The symposium organized by ITMO Molecular and Structural Bases of Life (BMSV) of the Aviesan Alliance entitled "How cryo Electron Microscopy meets chemical structure". Guy Schoehn (IBS/MEM) is a member of the Scientific Committee and Hugues Lortat-Jacob (IBS/SAGAG) and Hugues Nury (IBS/MEMBRANE) will give lectures.