June 1-5 2015, EPN campus, Grenoble
The goal of this workshop is to provide theoretical, practical and data analysis training in various modern methods for monitoring and quantifying molecular interactions (SEC-MALLS, UAC, SPR, ITC…).
The course will provide brief introduction to the biophysical concepts and theories, practicals to set experiments up on state-of-art instruments and introduction to data analysis methods.
The workshop is open to all scientists, students, technicians, engineers, and researchers, from academy and industry.
General presentations are open to all scientists, students, technicians, engineers, and researchers, from academy and industry. Practicals are reserved for registred participants.
Organizers : Christine Ebel, Marc Jamin, Nicole Thielens, Florent Bernaudat, Jean-Baptiste Reiser, Aline Le Roy.
Tuteurs : C. Ebel – A. Le Roy – M. Jamin – N. Thielens – J.-B. Reiser – A. Palencia– C. Birck (Strasbourg) – P. Schuck and J. Zhao (Bethesda USA).
Lectures : F. Fieschi - J. Kadlec - T. Forsyth and A. Imberty (Grenoble France)
For more information, please visit the Website of the workshop