October 3rd-5th 2012, Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble
This meeting will focus on the future challenges for neutron techniques to answer the questions raised by molecular and cell biology. It will be a tribute to the work of Joe Zaccai who has pioneered the use of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy for the study of the structure and dynamics of biological systems, covering the range from small biomolecules to entire cells.
Current developments in the exploration of the physico-chemical limits for life, especially in relation to the role of water and salt, molecular adaptation, protein dynamics, structure and stabilisation in organisms that live under extreme conditions of salinity, temperature, pressure, and exobiology will be covered.
Deadline for abstract submission is June 30th 2012.
Further information can be found on the symposium web-site or by contacting the organizers at sdds2012@ill.eu.
Download here call for EPJE Focus Point on "Neutron Biological Physics". All contributions are welcome even from scientists unable to attend the meeting. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed according to the usual publication process of EPJE.
Organizing committee :
B. Demé, G. Fragneto, F. Gabel, P. Timmins, H. Schober