The aim of this training is to provide participants with the necessary tools for the NMR study of interactions of liquids involving proteins (protein-biomacromolecule and protein-ligand complexes). The training is co-organized by IBS (Grenoble), IGBMC (Strasbourg) and ICSN (Gif-sur-Yvette).
To know more
Organization :
IBS : Beate Bersch, Jérôme Boisbouvier, Catherine Bougault, Bernhard Brutscher, Pierre Gans, Adrien Favier, Jean-Pierre Simorre, Dominique Marion
ICSN : Nadine Assrir, François Bontems, Eric Guittet, Carine van Heijenoort, Ewen Lescop, Nelly Morellet, Christina Sizun
IGBMC : Bruno Kieffer, Yves Nominé