The aim of this training is to provide participants with the necessary tools for the NMR study of interactions of liquids involving proteins (protein-biomacromolecule and protein-ligand complexes). This training is opened to young researchers in biological NMR (doctoral students, post-docs, M2 students under certain conditions), but also to technicians, engineers, academic or industrial researchers who wish to improve their skills in the field.
Given the health context, the training will be divided into 2 parts :
- Part 1 : from Monday, May 10 to Wednesday, May 12. This part will include formal courses and tutorials (remote format)
- Part 2 : from Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 May, on the Gif-sur-Yvette CNRS campus. NB : in case of lockdown, tutorials and TDs will be given remotly
Organisation :
- IBS : Catherine Bougault, Jérôme Boisbouvier
- ICSN : François Bontems, Carine van Heijenoort, Ewen Lescop, Christina Sizun, Nelly Morellet, Nadine Assrir, François Giraud
- IGBMC : Bruno Kieffer, Yves Nominé, Célia Deville
- ENS : Guillaume Bouvignies