Summer School Glyco - July 02 to 04, 2018 - Grenoble


The 2018 edition of the Structural Glycosciences Summer School will be held from 2nd to 4 of July at IBS on EPN campus and at CERMAV on UGA campus. The Summer School is co-organized by the Glyco@Alps CDP project from Idex UGA and the EEC network PhD4GlycoDrug (F. Fieschi & C. Laguri, IBS and A.Imberty & A. Varrot, CERMAV).
Glycoscience is a rapidly expanding and exciting field that is relevant to many areas of chemistry, biology and medicine. Structures of Glycan or Protein/Glycans complexes are of direct importance since they are key structural elements in cell and in signalling events on their surface. The workshop will introduce and train young scientists, from a chemistry or biology background, in the most up-to-date approaches for determining the structural and dynamic properties of carbohydrates, glycan binding receptors, and analysis of their complexes. Young researchers from Grenoble and from whole Europe will have conferences from international speakers, will participle to hands-on in modeling and experimental techniques, and will visit the beam lines at ERSF.
To know more. Deadline for registration : April 20, 2018.

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