For the 25th Fête de la science, IBS organised 3 operations, from 8 to 14 October 2016, in three different locations :
On Saturday 8 October, the four EPN campus institutes held a stand at the French Science Festival "Fête de la Science". The public discovered the different activities and research carried out on the EPN Science Campus, guided by more than 25 passionate volunteers from the 4 institutes. Half of the stand was highlighting to the large-scale facilities (ILL / ESRF), and their wide range of scientific activities. The other half was dedicated to structural biology, with many hands-on activities coming from EMBL Heidelberg and IBS (crystals and 3D structure visualization, archeas). No doubt, a great success, organised by the communication units of the four institutes.
About 2800 curious and enthusiastic visitors came to the Parvis des Sciences that day.
On October 10 and 11, a dozen IBS and INAC staff organized science experiments involving proteins and DNA for a hundred pupils to develop children’s curiosity for science. After these short experiments children could meet some university students. The 4 enlisted classes did appreciate the quality of the reception in small groups by enthusiastic volonteers and the children enjoyed to be able to handle material.
On October 13 & 14 at IBS, 115 secondary schools pupils and their 12 teachers explored the secret Life of Proteins through different activites (NMR, crystallography or biochemistry). They discovered the experimental approaches in life science and scientific results obtained at the IBS as well as different careers in research and the studies to become scientist. They learned how a laboratory is organized, and found it fun to work in an international friendly research institute. Teachers as students would have liked participate in all workshops !
Many thanks to our visitors, and to all the volunteers who made this interactive event possible !