
From October 21 to 22, 2010, the IBS invited high school students to discover the world of proteins and the techniques used to probe the infinitely small :
To probe the mysteries of life at the atomic scale, special methods and facilities are needed. IBS scientists explained these and help a hundred school pupils perform scientific experiments in their labs.
– From October 21 to 22, 2010, IBS scientists invite primary school pupils to explore the world of the living at the atomic scale :
In a two hour session, scientists and technicians demonstrated the methods used to investigate the mysteries of life. A hundred pupils were first invited to participate in one of three workshops (short experiments involving proteins and DNA) followed by group visits to the laboratory to discover the different instruments used to study the world of the infinitely small.

- From October 21 to 24, 2010, IBS scientists also welcomed a large family audience at the science Village in Grenoble
Our staff animated a game to explain its activities and illustrate the diversity of life.
About fifty volunteers (almost 20% of IBS staff) were mobilized to welcome secondary school pupils and the lay public and helped to make it a successful event.