Science Festival 2020

In a turbulent context due to the health crisis, the IBS was able to maintain two events :

Discover the awesome world of biolog, workshops for primary schools
As our workshops for the CM2 pupils could not take place in laboratories of the Jean Roget building in La Tronche as usual, we decided to organized them at school. Thus 99 elementary school children (CM1 and CM2) from two schools in Tullins and Saint Marcellin were able to benefit from our workshops on banana DNA extraction and fluorescent proteins. The students were very attentive, motivated to answer questions and enthusiastic !

Discover Research careers, conderence-debat for secondary schools
As the workshops we usually organize in IBS laboratories require a lot of preparation and many volunteers, and given the uncertainties related to the health context, we decided to propose lectures/debates on Research careers.
Thanks to the mobilization of our scientists, we were able to organize :
 two face-to-face meetings in high schools in the Grenoble area (the Cité scolaire internationale de Grenoble and the Lycée Marie Reynoard in Villard Bonnot, for 74 high school students)

 and also 4 visioconferences followed by 7 high schools in Albertville, Chambéry, Grenoble, Moutiers, Rumilly, St Jean de Maurienne and Seynod (followed by 317 high school students).

Details about different careers and required studies generated a great interest and a real questioning about orientation. We hope that these presentations, which the students found enriching and motivating, will help them to better project themselves in a path that motivates them.

Congratulations to dozen volunteers for their perseverance and the adaptability they shown to ensure the continuity of our mission to popularize science.