Kirill Kovalev, of the IBS Membrane Transporters Group, is the recipient of the IBS Young Scientist of the Year Award for his publications since June 2019 on the structure of membrane proteins, in particular microbial rhodopsins.
This prize is awarded every year by the IBS group leaders and presented during the annual Scientifc Day, during which the recipient is requested to give a talk. As the IBS Day was cancelled in June 2020 due to the sanitary situation, this prize was presented during the 02/10/20 IBS seminar.
To know more : Sci Rep. 9(1):18547 (2019) ; Nat. Commun. 10, 4939 (2019) ; Crystals. 10, 6 (2020) ; PNAS. 117, 8 (2020), Nat. Commun. 11, 2137 (2020)