EMBO Practical Course ’Structural characterisation of macromolecular complexes’


IBS seminar room

Recent developments in cryo-EM/ET, super-resolution microscopy, and protein structure prediction — coupled with increasingly sophisticated methods of sample preparation — have revolutionised structural biology. Educating the next generation of researchers on how to strategically combine these disparate tools is critical for addressing the most challenging structural biology problems of the future.

Course participants (advanced PhD students and postdocs, currently working on challenging projects in structural biology that would benefit form hybrid approaches) will receive a comprehensive overview of state-of-the-art structural methods, with a focus on sample preparation, characterisation, and data integration strategies.

Organisers: A. Casañal (Human Technopole, Italy), W. Galej & E. Kowalinski ((EMBL Grenoble, France), C. Petosa (IBS), M. Soler López (ESRF).

Information & Registration (before March 10, 2024).