
Responsible: Dominique BOURGEOIS

Pixel is a multidisciplinary team that works at the frontier between structural and cell biology. The team was created in 2010, motivated by the evolution of modern structural biology towards integration into the cellular context. The Pixel team has a strong methodological focus based on two main objectives:

 Mechanistic investigation and engineering of Fluorescent Proteins
 Development of quantitative (qPALM) and single-particle-tracking (sptPALM) PhotoActivatable Localization Microscopy.

To foster these developments, the Pixel team closely collaborates with the Genom team and other biology-oriented IBS teams to address biologically relevant projects, mainly in the field of microbiology. The team also pursues its own biological focus, investigating the:

 Nanoscale organization of the phagocytic synapse.

Pixel also maintains strong links with the M4D imaging platform.