Thesis performed @ VRM group

All our theses

The list of PhD theses undertaken in the Viral Replication Machines Group can be found year by year below (manuel list).


Alice Labaronne
Caractérisation structurale et biochimique de la nucléoprotéine des virus grippaux de type A, B et D
Thèse de doctorat de l’Université de Grenoble, soutenue le 08 juin 2017

Access the full-content of our theses

If you want more details, note that the HAL-IBS website publishes the full content of thesis that are not under embargo or under a particular contractual obligation. The result is listed below, the display may take 1 to 2 seconds. To check the entire list, use the inner scroll bar.
Please note that the theses of the last 12 months are not yet available on this site and theses prior to 2010 are not exhaustively listed.