
The IBS provides access to high-tech instruments and cutting-edge know-how for structural biology studies through a number of technical platforms and expertise that are open to industry. Integrated structural biology is essential to understand fundamental biological processes and to pave the way for applications in human health and biotechnology


The Institut de Biologie Structurale offers expertise in the following areas :

  • State-of-the-art protein structure determination techniques (Xray Crystallography, NMR, Electron Microscopy)
  • Advanced production and biochemical characterization of soluble and membrane proteins
  • Analysis of macromolecular interactions, structure and dynamics of macromolecular complexes

The technical infrastructure and expertise of the IBS offers companies the opportunity to advance their R&D efforts through services or through scientific collaborations.


Our long experience in working with industrial partners allows us to ensure a rapid response time in preparing contracts, full confidentiality, and the timely delivery of milestones.
For more details about our services, our patent portfolio, facilities or collaborations, please read the information below.

Service platforms

The IBS has access to high-performance, internationally competitive facilities in physical and chemical biology for studying the structure and function of biological macromolecules. Located in Grenoble’s scientific research park, the IBS enjoys privileged access to two large-scale instruments operated by European institutes : the ILL high-flux neutron reactor and the ESRF synchrotron.
Access to service platforms

A healthy relationship with industry

  • Collaborative contracts with pharmaceutical companies, start-ups and biotech suppliers
  • Spin-off companies (PX Therapeutics, NMR-Bio, Polyvalan SAS)
  • Start-up incubation
  • Services in analytical biochemistry, biophysics, structural biology
  • Reagent and hardware supply
  • Technical and scientific consulting
  • Patents related to human health and biotechnology

Available types of partnership

A partnership with the IBS can take the form of a research collaboration, a service contract or a material transfer agreement. Long term collaborations can involve support of research positions such as post-docs, Ph.D students, etc. Contracts and confidentiality agreements are provided by our legal staff on a timely basis.


To access technical platforms, please phone or send an email to the contact person of the platform of interest (see Platforms) or to the scientist concerned (see Groups).

To inquire about collaborations, please send an email to this address


The IBS provides space for the incubation of biotch startup valuing the competences and the results of the institute.
This commitment has led to the emergence of the following biotechnology companies :
• In 2000 : Protein’eXpert, then PX’Therapeutics, now a subsidiary of the pharmaceutical group Aguettant, is a CRO/CMO biotechnology company specializing in the production and engineering of recombinant proteins in GMP mode. PX’Therapeutics merged with Promise Advanced Proteomics in 2019 under the name Promise Proteomics.
• In 2009 : NatX-ray was created to develop and market consumables and dedicated equipments to improve analysis of samples by X-ray and neutrons, including automated instrumentation in crystallography, based on the work carried out at the IBS for the French beamline dedicated to crystallography of biological macromolecules at ESRF (FIP-BM30A). The start-up stopped its activities in 2021.
• In 2016 : NMR-Bio, based on the know-how of the IBS and the Institut de Biosciences et Biotechnologies de Grenoble (ex BIG), develops and distributes isotopic labeling kits for NMR studies and offers customized NMR services ranging from the production of labeled proteins to the acquisition and analysis of high field NMR data. This disruptive technology allows pushing the frontiers of NMR to study at atomic scale complex biomolecular assemblies of high molecular weight.
• In 2016 : POLYVALAN SAS, which benefits from the know-how of the IBS and ENS-Lyon, synthesizes and markets a first molecule of the crystallophores family. This all-in-one molecule addresses major bottlenecks of biocrystallography : it facilitates the production of protein crystals, eases their detection and allows the determination of protein structure at atomic scale.

Past & present customers

Our previous and current customers include :