After training by one of the platform members, the instruments can be made available and can be used on working days from 9am to 6pm.
List of available instruments
Transmission electron microscopes :
FEI Tecnai12 120kV LaB6 with 1 GATAN Orius 1000 camera (negative staining/Tomography)
FEI Tecnai F20 200kV FEG with Ceta FEI 4kx4k camera (cryo /cryo-tomography), Cheetah 512x512 ASI, Windows 7
Thermo Scientific GLACIOS 200kV FEG with direct electron detection cameras (Falcon II and Gatan K2 summit), automatic EPU collection, TEM Tomography and SerialEM.
Instruments associated with the microscopes :
- Carbon evaporator
- Glow Discharge (with one GloQubePlus)
- FEI Vitrobot (automatic freezer)
Instruments for the preparation of cellular samples :
- High pressure cryo-fixation machine HPM100
- AFS2 + FSP cryo-preparation machine
- UC7/FC7 Cryo-ultra-microtome, UC7 microtome
- IGL immunolabelling machine
Accessibility and costs
Academic members of the PSB, other academics and industrialists according to rates.
How to contact us ?
Storage of data
Data will be deleted after 3 months (special conditions for data collected on GLACIOS where data is deleted after 15 days).
IBS, ground floor, Electron Microscopy and Methods Group.
Quality approach
The platform is certified ISO9001-NFX 50-900.