Group Members

Left, from front to rear : Cédric Laguri, Michel Thépaut, Isabelle Petit-Hartlien, Christine Ebel, Alessio Dacapito, Estelle Marchal, Perrine Rochas, Clara Delaunay.
Right, from rear to front : Claudine Darnault, Aline Le Roy, Marie-José Stasia, Cécile Breyton, Alice Decombe, Massilia Abbas, Maria Val-Pevida, Franck Fieschi (March 2024)


(L1, L2, L3 and M1 students are not mentionned)
Estelle Marchal (CDD, 2023-2024, ANR ProMeNix)
Andromachi Papagianoula (M2, 2022)
Poushalee Dutta (M2, 2022)
Clara Delaunay (PhD 2020-2023, Ecole doctorale UGA)
Séraphine Degroux (M2 – PhD, 2018-2022, UGA)
Eugénie Laigre (Post Doc, 2020-2022, ANR Lect Array)
Swetha Stanley (M2, 2020)
Quentin Durieux (M2, 2020)
Yasmina Grimoire (CDD IE, 2019-2021, ANR Lect Array)
Ilham Bouchemal (CDD, 2018-2020, ANR Fluor)
François Bulteau (PhD 2017-2020, GlycoALps - Idex UGA)
Nathan Epalle (M2, 2019)
Romain Linares (Post-doc, 2017-2022, ANR PerfoBac, ANR ImmunoPhage)
Annelise Vermot (PhD 2016-2020, Program Emergence - UGA)
Waqas Javed (PhD, 2016-2020)
Silvia Achilli (PhD 2015- 2018, ITN Marie curie "Immunoshape" - Horizon 2020)
Charles Arnaud (M2 – PhD, 2014-2017, Labex Gral)
Pascal Gabard (CDD, 2013-2015, Coll. Industriel)
Alice Tissot (M2, 2013)
Flavien Grégoire (M2, 2013)
Kai Wang (M2, 2013)
Vanessa Porkolab (M2-PhD, 2012-2016, Region Rhône-Alpes)
Cindy Pereira (M2, 2012)
Christine Hajjar (PhD 2011-2014, Ecole doctorale UGA)
Ziad Ibrahim (M2, 2011)
Antoine Picchiocci (Post doc 2009-2013)
Mathilde Lethier (CDD, 2010-201, )
Ieva Sutkeviciute (PhD 2009-2012 ; ITN Marie curie "Carmusys" - 7ème PCRD)
Lina Siauciunate (PhD 2009-2012, ITN SBMP - 7ème PCRD)
Sarah Saab (M2, 2009)
Ali Flayhan (M2 – PhD, 2008-2012, ITN SBMP)
Eric Chabrol (M2 - PhD, 2007 -2012, Ecole doctorale UGA)
Nathalie Hauet (Post-doc, 2008-2010, ANR PCV-Fluorinated surfactants)
Julien Marcoux (PhD, 2006-2010, CFR CEA)
Georges Tabarani (PhD, 2004-2008, CFR CEA)
Sylvie Chenavas (PhD, 2001-2005, UGA)
Corinne Houlès (Post Doc, 2001-2003, Sidaction)
Corinne Vivès (2000-2021, Post Doc and IR CEA)
Claire Massenet (PhD 1998-2002, UGA)

Old group pictures

Sept 2023

Sept 2022

Nov 2022

Sept 2019

Jan 2019


May 2016

Jan 2016

July 2014